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Galway Advertiser 1985/1985_06_27/GA_27061985_E1_001.pdf

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V o l . 16. N o . 26.

T h u r s d a y , 2 7 t h J u n e , 1985


Inside this Week
Page 10

Whatever the Family N a m e y o u c a n h a v e a FREE Luxury H o l i d a y there. Page 13
An Englishman by birth and training, Tim Robinson followed his Irish wife to Aran and became so mesmerised by the landscapes that he walked and walked, crossing and recrossing the islands many times. The result was a fascinating map showing the places of interests, the paths through the fields, the flora and fauna. The same process with ever greater success was followed in his study of the Burren and the resulting maps are hailed an absolute joy by families on outings or the serious student who want to explore for themselves away from the beaten track

Page 6

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Predicts Next Mayor;

It's Coogan, Higgins or Holland
Who will be the City's first "Lord" Mayor is the question that is absorbing the political pundits following the unpredicted outcome of the Borough Council Election. The failure of Fianna Fail to retain control of the Mayoral Chain -- the most prestigious jewel in t h e C o u n c i l C r o w n -- and the emergence of two Worker Party Councillors has certainly put the Hare amongst the Hounds. There is considerable movement amongst the various political groupings to come to some sort of agreement on a voting pattern to ensure the best deal for their particular side. But at the time of going to Press the possibilities are so endless that no clear direction has emerged from the speculation so far.
But the A d v e r t i s e r Looking at the line up of

INDP. Brendan Holland

FIANNA FAIL Alderman Bridie O'Flaherty Alderman Michael Leahy Maire Geoghegan Quinn, T.D. Bobby Molloy, T.D. Micheal OTiUiginn Martin Connolly TOTAL 6

FINE GAEL Alderman John Mulholland Fintan Coogan, T.D. Pat McNamara Padraic McCormack Angela Lnpton TOTAL S

LABOUR Michael D. Higgins

W.P. Alderman Jimmy Brick Liz Hackett

Tim Robinson Now Tim and Mairead have moved to Roundstone where for the past four years he has become a familiar sight on the roads of Connemara on his battered old bicycle. Ton's ultimate project is a general map of Connemara and a South Connemara map which he hopes to publish next year But the beginnings of his intimate pilgrimage are delightfully described in his slim publication "Setting Foot on the Shores of C o n n e m a r a . " He has gathered an enormous amount of detail, published his p r o g r e s s in t h e Connacht Tribune and received even further information from Connemara people most of whom clearly understand the urgency of this task of preserving their heritage of folk-wisdom. Tim's latest book Mapping South Conne mara continues his journey. Evert though he collected over 4,000 placenames only a portion of these are d i s c u s s e d in d e t a i l . Numerous botanical and archaeological discoveries are noted. Tim's training in languages, (he s p e a k s perfect Irist) cartography and art is all reflected in his unsentimental survey where never a word is wasted and the vast richness of the terrain comes vividly to hie if you a r e passing Roundstone this summer you can seework in progress at the I D A Craft Park where Ton has his own studio and imprint company "Folding ~ Worth a




does not have to wait for these delibera tions before coming to its own conclusions. We narrow our choice down to one of three:-- FINTAN COOGAN MICL. D. HIGGINS or BREN. HOLLAND.

Candidates all members of the County Borough arae eligible for the Mayor Chain. However, no group has a majority so some deal (such as a promise to vote for the supporters to be Mayor at some future date) will have to be made.

Fintan Coogan, T D May get the Mayoral chain because of his family's long standing association with the Corporation. The A dvertiser does not hold out much hope for the Fianna Fail camp to be able to come up with a sufficient attractive package to win supporters. Anyway, they are faced with the possibility of losing both Maire and Bobby to Ministerial appointments following the next General Election. It is also unlikely they will do a deal with the Workers' Party.

particularly like the h o n o u r . H e m a y g e t it. Michael D. can cert ainly look f o r w a r d to a full y e a r as M a y o r (he w a s M a y o r for six months only) and if B r e n d a n doesn't get the Chain this time . . . not to worry. H e will get it s o o n .

Next Monday night when the Councillors gather to elect the Mayor spare a thought for Mary Brendan Holland Owes Fine Gael a favour. ent B r e n d a n Holland. No d o u b t F i a n n a Fail will as well but B r e n d a n has a long m e m o r y a n d he's a decent sort. He doesn't owe any favours to Fianna Fail but the Coalition did help him get the County Council Chair when he needed it. Brendan hasn't been Mayor of the City for almost 20 years--it's a long time and Brendan would love to wear the Chain once again. It is also unlikely Fine Gael will do any deal with the Workers' Party. The Advertiser believes the Mayoral Crown will stay with the Coalition team and Independent supporter Brendan Holland and that for the next five years they will share it amongst them selves (exactly as Fianna Fail have done in the past when they had control). B u t as this is the first " L o r d " M a y o r a l office it is conceivable F i n t a n Coogan, T . D . , would

Byrne who as outgoing Mayor has to convene the meeting, officiate at the election of Mayor and then, because she wasn't re-elected to the Council, must leave the Chamber. S u c h a good and conscientious member as Mary Byrne does not deserve such a fate. P o l i t i c s may be interesting for observers but it's a hard game for the players at times.




Price Bargains

V 2

Tim Robinson's pubkconons are available at Bookshops or direct from the author.

Rent a brand new colour television for E1.99, no deposit. Rent now and we'll install your set tomorrow. Or if you like, buy your set over 3 years through our Colour Plan Scheme and we'll give you a 4 year guarantee on the tube. But act now, this offer is only available tor this month.

Michael D . Higgins His support for Fine Gael will be crucial.
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Fine Gael on the other hand should expect support from Michael D. (which gives t h e m the s a m e number of members as F . F . , 6) a n d t h e y w i l l then court Independ-

O ' C o n n o r ii

O D D A word of thanks and good wishes to Simon So and his courteous staff at the Oriental -- a new Chinese restaurant at Francis Street. Mr. So invited Advertiser staff and others to aa excellent and interesting lunch last Sunday and me can all vouch for the delightful meal cooked and served with great style. Ken and Simon So specialise in Cantonese and Peking cooking which is the best there is.

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 Galway Advertiser 1985 / 1985_06_27