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A Sign of the Times

G a l w a y A d v e r t i s e r T h u r s d a y 8 t h A u g u s t 1974


One nice thing after another
That's what you'll experience with McDonoghs newest range of cutlery and china. Look out for the 21 piece "Royal Tara" China teasets, and the lovely 21 piece English teasets: "Royal Grafton." Our canteens of cutlery and carving sets are simply superb. They are supremely suitable for wedding presents. So, for gifts or for something special for yourself, call at McDonoghs this week -- and don't overlook our great display of figurines, vases, and other beautiful things.


MASS IN SEAPOINT A picture that tells t h e tale . . . displayed outside Salthill Parish C h u r c h last Sunday morning advising Mass-goers that M a s s w a s available at Seapoint Ball room. And as anyone in G a l w a y / Salthill could judge last w e e k end the Church was n o t t h e only place full. Although official figures are n o t y e t available a spokesman for Ireland West T o u r i s m r e ported an excellent w e e k e n d with the City tourist offices inundated with enquiries. T h e biggest number of visitors were from D u b l i n and N o r t h ern Ireland with a noticeable increase of y o u n g p e o p l e . Evening entertainment w a s

h i g h o n t h e list of enquiries and there were continuous requests for details o n travel ling to Clifden, and Aran. M a n y hotels were c o m pletely booked o u t and o n e well k n o w n hotel o n t h e D u b lin Road is reported t o have had t h e busiest A u g u s t week end since it opened. Bars and restaurants were also filled t o capacity w i t h l o n g queues forming at several restaurants. O n e publican said that t h e best thing that ever h a p p e n e d to business was t h e cancellation of racing yesterday week. " W e never did such a roaring trade", h e said, "and I ' v e rarely seen such well behaved customers w h o did n o t seem to m i n d the weather a bit".

'this festival before the M a y or's visit is part of the official preliminaries to the 'twinning' of our t w o cities. T h e Galway party also i n cludes the Minister for the Gaeltacht, T o m O'Donnell, T . D . , a selection from Gal O n Friday last the Mayor way Soccer Clubs ( w h o will of Galway A i d . Fintan C o o g play three matches against an, T . D . , led a large party o f Breton teams, and twelve Galwegians to the famous members of the Peggy Carty Breton Bagpipes Festival i n D a n c i n g School w h o will b e Lorient. Although Galway accompanied by the talented groups have participated in Gavin brothers. I n fact this is the second year in succes sion that Garda Sean Gavin Since we're into the tourist (All-Ireland Champion A c chat at the m o m e n t , let's just cordianist) and his brother talk about the traffic situation. Frankie (All-Ireland C h a m T h e r e are, w e are told, ample p i o n Fiddle and T i n Whistle) car parking facilities, a n d I ' m have played at this festival. T h e dancers include Marie inclined to believe them. B u t Heavey, Renmore, Patricia I wish to G o d that some K e n n e d y , Mervue, Breda and people would start to use Marie O'Connor, Rockbarton, t h e m . All of the double yellow Ann O'Shaughnessy, St. lines in t h e town are parked John's T e e . , A n n e Spelman, o n , o n both sides of the road Highfield Park, Cathriona i n s o m e cases a n d n o b o d y seems t o worry, trouble is O'Flaherty, Dominick St., Louise Cahill, Terryland, that this restricts the main thoroughfares and before y e Carmelita L e y d o n , Ballybane, know it the place is suffering John O'Shaughnessy, Albert from traffic thrombosis as Reilly, M e r v u e , and Peggy's anyone w h o goes near t h e o w n son four year's Connacht Champion, Ian O'Brien. centre o f t h e t o w n will tell y e : Cat it is. N o w , a word in T h e group brought with the ear o f t h e m a n w h o fixes them s o m e fine examples o f the traffic lights, or adjusts Connemara marble jewellery t h e m . Look, w o u l d y o u ever and Royal Tara China t o g o o u t to Moneenageisha and present as gifts to their hosts. do something with the lights out there. W e are told that SAILING these lights are supposed to Congratulation t o T o m and be traffic activated, but any John Coll and Stephen and b o d y w h o has sat every day Ciaran O'Gorman for their and night for periods of three performances at Dromineer t o four minutes while y o u last weekend. Between t h e m wait for n o n existant motor they w o n all the major troph cars to pass, can get just a ies in the Mirror Class at the little bit browned off. W o u l d L o u g h D e r g Sailing C l u b ye ever d o something about it for God's sake. Another Annual August Regatta. T h e Coil's, renowned heavy wea place that looks like it could ther m e n , mastered some light d o with a set o f traffic lights shifting winds to w i n t h e is t h e F o u r Corners.- L o r d Senior Trophy. T h e O ' G o r save u s , but Sally Gleeson's mans were second overall and w i n d o w is getting more than its fair share o f cars parked Junior T r o p h y winners. Let's hope this is a good o m e n for in it, and all d u e to the same the National Championships thing. S o m e g u y shoots out in Sligo at the e n d of this of Abbeygate Street and s o m e month. Meanwhile where other poor devil coming d o w n William Street has to make have all the other Mirror sailors gone ? T h e Club R e the choice of going through gatta is o n the weekend of the h i m or taking a short c u t thro' Sally's w i n d o w and t h e 7th and 8th September and there should be keen club windows are always so well racing o n Sundays and W e d dressed that they look more nesdays from n o w until then. inviting, s o . . . . A number of the cruisers Finally, a word that were in Aran over the wekend Siobhan M c K e n n a is coming and it is g o o d t o see s o m e n e w to t o w n to do her one w o m a n boats and members and more show in Saint Pat's Hall, o n activity from this section o f T h u r s d a y night next for t h e the club. 'Galway for People C o m m i t T h e number of Enterprises tee and that promises to b e and G . P . 14's in t h e club has really something. That's this reached the baker's dozen and night week, kiddies! don't we are promised visitors in forget. S e e y e 'round. both classes at our Regatta. D i c k Byrne. At present this is the m o s t

Galway Group at Lorient Festival

& SONS LIMITED, Merchants Road,Galway
Phone Galway 2 0 9 1 Padbury

United Unions
Galway Council of Trade U n i o n s held their Annual General Meeting at Curran's H o t e l , Prospect H i l l ; M r . F . Canavan, Chairman, presid ing. Reports were read from t h e Secretary and from Delegates t o various Committees. I n thanking the Officers for their excellent and informa tive reports, the Chairman said h e was glad to hear such interesting comments and d i s cussion from the members. "Galway", he said,"showed wonderful potential growth. W e have seen many changes in the past few years and with E . E . C . Legislation can expect to experience many more changes in the future. R e organisation should be our aim this year, and from the tone of this meeting, there was n o doubt in m y m i n d the Council could rely on the full co-operation of all the U n ions". T h e following Committee was elected : -- Chairman: M r . F . Canavan.
Hon. Secretary: Mr. J.

W e l l , that's it, t h e tourist season is i n full swing. L o r d save u s b u t t h e place is jammed from t o p t o b o t t o m . I always said it, g i v e t h e m a couple o f days sunshine a n d They're swarming like a hatch o f Mayflies. N o d o u b t t h e local entreprenaurs will g o b b l e t h e m u p like hungry trout. A h , well, isn't that what it's all about ?

I First class family attrac tions continue at Leisureland; the very popular Brendan O'Dowda S u m mer Variety Show can be seen o n Sunday, A u g u s t 11th, at 8 p . m . , and o n T u e s d a y , August 13th, at 5.30 p.m. T h e Pex Puppet T h e a tre, ideal for smaller chil dren can be seen again o n Sunday 11th, at 3.30 p . m .

Try MANIFOLDS Phone 2558

M-A the baby food which matches the nourishment of mother's o w n milk

Vice-Chairman: Mr. P.
Mr. R.

Hon. Treasurer:

Trustees: M r s . F . N e e and

M r . D . Kelleher. active dinghy section while most of the Mirrors, including the club boats, keep the rain off the grass for seven days a week. N e x t Sunday, conditions permitting, there will be i n formal racing in conjunction with the Claddagh Festival. A course will be set from Renville and details will be p o s t e d there by 11 o'clock o n Sunday morning giving the times of starting, etc. All boats are welcome to participate. T h e r e are a number o f people looking for crew, s o would any member or poten tial member w h o wishes to sail remember that unless they appear Wednesdays and/or Sundays and make themselves known opportunities will g o a' begging.

Matt O'Flaherty
M . 1>. S. I. THE PRESCRIPTION SHOPPING CHEMIST ( I N'TRE Phone 4134 D a y or N i g h t GALWAY

The famous international irish tenor Brendan O ' D o w d a f l i g h t e d crowds w h e n h e

sang "Galway B a y " during the opening o f t h e Claddagh Festival last Sunday.

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 Galway Advertiser 1974 / 1974_08_08