Extracted text
Galway Advertiser Thursday 21st September 1973
Liga Pablum Cow & Gate Ostermilk Complan S.M.A Farlene Farley Rice 8
Minister opens LNILFISK new water scheme
Robinson Rice ... lOp
Farley Rusks Lge. 15p
MR. JAMES TULLY, Minister for Local Government, formally o p e n e d the first phase of the City's new Water Improve m e n t S c h e m e last Monday afternoon. In the late 1 9 6 0 ' s it b e c a m e apparent that the existing water supply was not ade quate to m e e t the increasing d e m a n d s for water to supply new housing and industrial d e v e l o p m e n t in the Eastern part of the expanding City.
T h e Minister for Local Government, Mr. James Tully (centre) officially open ing the completion of the first phase of the City Water Improvement Scheme. Also in the picture (left) Mr. Gerryj Leyden, Borough Engineer, Cllr. P. O'Flaherty, Mayor, Mr. Paddy Watters, Town Clerk, Mr. M. Martyn of H . G. L. O'Connor & Co., Con sulting Engineers, Mr. F.i McGrath of H . G. L. O'Cionnor, and the Co. Manager Seamus Keating.
Des Kavanagh
ELECTRICAL Mincloon - G a l w a y 091 - 9266 THE BEST PRICE I N T O W N
Matt O'Flaherty
* N o Cover Charge * Thurs. 20th VINNIE MONGAN T h e Famous O n e M a n Shew Fri. 21st Hear them for yourself T h e Fantastic T R I P L A C I T T h e Terrific SILVER HAMMER THE FABULOUS 3 with a difference Everybody is raving abou t them T H E H I G H K I N G S |
Sat. 22nd
Will you help? The Politician On Wednesday and Thurs and the Artist day, 17th, 18th October, the
Galway Branch of the Phy sically Handicapped Associa tion will hold a flag day--the proceeds will go towards sending Galway disabled on a holiday next June. Several disabled in wheelchairs will come to Galway to sell flags in the city centre but we need boys and girls to sell flags in 'various areas outside the city after school. If you are willing to help in your area contact Eugene Shaw, P.C., College Road, who will be only too delighted to hear from you-- do help our own Galway disabled! At the monthly meeting of the Galway branch of the National Association for Rates Abolition and Local Government Reform, the pollution of Lough Atalia was discussed and those present expressed concern for the health of the residents of the area and were shocked that the local health authority did not take the necessary steps to prevent the lake being polluted -- especially as the area concerned has a popula tion of over 8,000. The meeting decided to request the Minister for Health to send an inspector to hold an enquiry into the city's sewage system. Consideration of the out come of the representations made were left in the hands of the action committee, who may call a rates strike for the Eastern side of the city if the matter is not attended to without undue delay.
Sun. 23rd
Mr. James Tully, Minister for Local Government, open ed an exhibition of drawings sculpture by John Behan at the Kenny Art Gallery, Salt hill, last Monday. Speaking at the opening ceremony Mr. Tully philosophised on the' connections between the! politician and the artist. 'To a great extent there is a connection between an artist's work and a politi cian's," he said. "Politics has been described as the art of the possible. The artist, when dealing with a seemingly intractable material like metal or stone has to see what it is possible to do with it and tc try to express his ideas in this material by using special techniques which he has developed for himself and express himself through them. So, too with the poli tician. He has to do the best he can with a whole host oi problems--some very intrac table ones. Indeed some of them look just as intractable as a lump of stone or metal does to an artist. He has to try to give expression to his ideas in the context of these problems. He is subject, like an artist, to public criticism. He is, very often, like an artist, misunderstood and above all else the techniques he uses are subject to criticism."
Mon. 24th
CASTLEGAR I.C.A. T h e opening meeting of the Castlegar I.C.A. was held in Flannery's Hotel on Thur sday 13th Sept. A very colourful display of T H E B L U E ARMY OF OUR LADY OF FATIMA Irish made souvenirs was given by Mrs. Frawley. They With the kind permission included beautiful hand cro of the Knock Shrine author chet table cloths, tapestry, ities a night vigil will be held tweed pictures and felt patch at Knock on the night of 5th work. Mrs. Frawley also gave October, 1973 (First Friday) a demonstration of hairpin and morning of 6th October crochet. Tea was served. (First Saturday). Next meeting will be held 11 p.m. Confessions in on Thursday, 27th Sept. in Confessional Chapel Castlegar Hall and monthly 12 midnight to 5.30 a.m. meeting in Flannery's Hotel. Vigil (including traditional See local papers for details. Stations), two Holy Hours and Sacrifice of the Mass at 5 a.m. EVE-SHUTE CLEANING INTENTIONS T o i mplore the blessing of BY peace for our country. Buses leave Ceannt Station, ESSENTIAL CLEANING Galway, at 9 p.m. on Friday, SERVICES 5th October, for ticket hold ers only. Tickets available at Brendan Holland's, WilliamsPhone 5359 gate Street, up to 3rd October
T h e first scheme consisted' H . G. L. O'Connor and Company, consulting engin-l of a water powered pumping eers, Galway, devised the plant which pumped the construction of a new 2 water from a river intake at million gallon reservoir on Terryland to a reservoir on| the top of Coolagh Hill ad top of Prospect Hill. The joining the existing tank elevation of this reservoir which was built at the was too low to serve the higher level areas of the city, beginning of this century. The contract also included which consequently, restrict the construction of an 18" ed the expansion of the dis diameter rising main from tribution network, and the the Waterworks to the new available pressure in the reservoir, and a 2 1 " diameter mains. T h e first major improve trunk main from this reser voir to service new housing ment to this scheme was and industrial development in carried out during the period the Ballybane area. The con 1903 to 1906. This improve tract was completed last July. ment scheme included the Work has already com construction of an 0.5 million menced and the second phase gallon reservoir on top of of this development, which Coolagh Hill, and the eleva will provide a new million tion of this reservoir enabled gallon reservoir at Ballybane the then Galway Urban Dis which will be completed in trict Council to provide a March next year. The cost of gravity supply with adequate the scheme: approximately pressure to all parts of the city area. This scheme also one million pounds. included a new rising main to Another major contract to Coolagh, a new supply main be undertaken soon will be from Coolagh to the city and the construction of a new six new water powered turbines million gallons per day treat at the waterworks at Terry ment plant on a 20-acre site land. at Terryland. This plant will In 1929, the first diesel have ample provision for expansion to meet the in powered pumping plant was creasing demands for water installed at the waterworks in the city and adjoining followed, in 1934, by the county area. It is envisaged introduction of electrically that the treatment worlds operated pumps to supple when completed in 1975 will ment the existing water and be one of the most up to date diesel powered pumping units About twenty years ago of its kind in the country. water filtration was intro Other contracts to be duced at the waterworks, to undertaken in the near furute treat 1.5 million gallons per include watermain extensions day, which was considered in the county area, a service quite adequate to cater for reservoir at Briar Hill and a the demands of the city at duplication of the 2 million that time. About the same gallon reservoir recently com time, an 0.6 million gallon pleted at Coolagh. reservoir was constructed at a high elevation on top of H I S T O R I C A L NOTE An examination of the Clifton Hill, to increase the historical records for Galway water storage capacity of the confirms that the first domes city. tic water supply scheme in the city was constructed in the year 1867. Previous to that period the domestic water requirements of the inhabitants of the city was individually abstracted from the River Corrib and from a number of spring wells located in and around the city.
Tues. 25th Come "Old T i m e Rock" with T H E B L U E M I N S T R E L ^
POETESS AT ARTS CLUB Eavan Boland, the poet and writer, will visit Corrandulla Arts and Entertainment Club on Saturday, 22nd Sept. at 8 p.m. to read and talk about her poetry--followed by the famous film classic "Great Expectations," directed by David Lean, which will be shown at 9 p.m. T h e club meets at the Ardens' house, Gort Roe, Corrandulla.
Wed. 26th
T h e M i g h t y BIG 3
French etc. Beginners, Conversation, Examinations resuming Monday, 24th September. ENROLMENT 7 p.m.
The Attic Boutique
Fantastic 2SALE
FRIDAY & SATURDAY 21st & 22nd S E P T .
The Galwav Advertiser is printed and published by O'Gorman Ltd., Shop Street, Galway, and is delivered free to every home in Galway City and distributed in the County All original artwork is copyright to the Galway Advertiser, and may not be reproduced without permission. All enquiries should be addressed to the above address or Telephone 5758/9