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Galway Advertiser 2003/2003_08_07/GA_07082003_E1_008.pdf

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Grealish welcomes German fined for throwing chips at strangers grant aid for counselling services
throwing food at passers-by o n t h e s t r e e t

Gatway's fast-food must not have appealed to o n e G e r m a n tourist w h o d u g his o w n chips w h e n gardai caught him

A GALWAY T D has welcomed the news that 15 counselling agencies in Galway are to receive grants totalling 170,000. Progressive Democrats T D N o e l Grealish says the grants have been approved under the Family Support A g e n c y S c h e m e of g r a n t s for m a r r i a g e , child a n d bereavement counselling as well as support service. T h e y r a n g e from 7 0 0 t o 57,000. He s a y s t h e g r a n t s w i l l help support the various agencies providing essential counselling services in t h e region. " A range of different agencies in Galway West have b e e n granted funding from Accord, which provides marriage counselling services, t o t h e Alzheimer Society of I r e l a n d . A l l of t h e s e organisations provide an essential service to the local community." More than 6.8 million has been provided to 4 5 0 different agencies across the country b y t h e Department of S o c i a l a n d F a m i l y Affairs, he says. " T h i s s c h e m e of g r a n t s focuses on the development of s u p p o r t s e r v i c e s in t h e c o m m u n i t y for families t o e n h a n c e stability in family life a n d t o help t h e m c o p e with difficult p e r i o d s . T h e a i m is t o a c h i e v e a l a r g e r and more accessible service and to ensure the highest level of service possible." T h e list of local g r a n t recipients is as follows:Accord 32,830 C O P E - W a t e r s i d e House 12,500 Forum North & West C o n n e m a r a 10,420 Galway Pastoral Centre 6,400 Galway Beginning Experience G a l w a y 800 P R O - C o n s u l t 57,040 AIDS West 3,400 C h u r c h of t h e Sacred Heart 1,250 Rainbows, Headford 1,050 Independent Parenting S e r v i c e s 3,040 Rainbows Moinn Na gCiseach 700 The Alzheimer Society of Ireland 1,300 G a l w a y Family Services I n s t i t u t e 35,000 Galway C o Association for the Handicapped 500 CARI 3,000 Galway

Student Christopher Kolata, from Germany, had just come out of a fast-food restaurant in Eyre Square at 3.25 a.m. on August 1, when he w a s spotted by gardai throwing chips at strangers. Inspector Derek G a n n o n said it w a s 3.25 a m a n d there were several hundred people in the area at the time. Kolata was arrested for breaching the peace and taken to Galway Garda Station where h e w a s later released o n his

o w n bail of 5 0 t o appear before the court this week. Kolata admitted he didn't know why he started throwing the chips at people and he had not wished to start a fight. Judge Peter Smithwick said some people might not have taken too kindly to having food thrown at them and might have started the fight for him. H e fined Kolata 7 5 , payable forthwith.

Massive Reid furniture store coming to Galway
BY SINEAD M C G O V E R N REID F U R N I T U R E , Scotland's largest independent furniture retailer a n d manufacturer, will o p e n a store in Galway this Christmas. R e i d F u r n i t u r e h a s 21 s t o r e s in B r i t a i n a n d e i g h t in Ireland, the newest addition being a store in Limerick which opened last week. The store is renowned for its stock of leather furniture (it a c c o u n t s for 6 5 p e r cent of t h e total s a l e s ) , a n d a spokesperson for the store said that the leather gallery in t h e Galway showroom will b e the best in Europe. The 17,000-18,000sq ft store will also stock sofas, beds, and o t h e r kinds of furniture. R e c r u i t m e n t for t h e store is expected to begin in September

Practice test facility for Driver Theory Test
BY JULIE TIERNEY Y O U N G P E O P L E preparing for the Driver Theory Test c a n n o w practice their test taking skills a t the Galway Youth Information Centre. T h e test t a k e s a b o u t 4 5 minutes and costs 2 . 5 0 . In o r d e r t o p a s s t h e test, y o u must correctly answer 35 of the 4 0 multiple choice questions. To book a slot ring (091) 562434 or drop into the Youth Information Centre at Ozanam House, St A u g u s t i n e S t . T h e official Driver Theory text book and a p p l i c a t i o n f o r m s a r e also available at the centre. Galway Youth Information C e n t r e is m a n a g e d by the Galway Diocesan Youth Service and f u n d e d b y t h e c i t y of Galway VEC.

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 Galway Advertiser 2003 / 2003_08_07