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Galway Advertiser 1993/1993_04_08/GA_08041993_E1_018.pdf

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S R T opens doors
N E M P L O Y E D people aivtay received C E R T ificates for a basic s course in G e n e r a l ;l Services. T h e course held in t h e West P a r k el, P o r t u m n a . I ready. 99 9, of those completed the training ramme have found their lobs in local hotels. restaurants, bars and other tourism businesses. Tourism growth projec tions for the next five years, in terms of income and new employment, remain en couraging said Mr. Noel Treacy T D . Minister of State at the Department of the Taoiseach. who presented the Certificates.

E.C. Aid for Environment Conscious Companies

f c o m p a n y is o n e of t h e l a r g e s t of its kind t i e world. D u e to c o n t i n u e d e x p a n s i o n a n d ) m o t i o n s a limited n u m b e r of v a c a n c i e s a r e w a v a i l a b l e in t h e GALWAY/CLARE/MAYO


To a r r a n g e CONFIDENTIAL interviews, p l e a s e ite in t h e first i n s t a n c e m a r k i n g e n v e l o p e 1.D.M." i n c l u d i n g brief d e t a i l s of c a r e e r to

Galway's own Bakery Molloys Craft prestigious Grand Moulins de Paris Diploma of Excellence te to Personnel Officer, 1st Floor, Hynes Buildings, French Baguettes and Bread Rolls. STEEL BUSINESSES MAY SMALL for their Iway. Presenting the award to G e r r y Molloy of Mollovs Craft RECEIVE AID Bakery (left) is B e r n a r d LeDuff of CM. P. French Flour, also in the photo is David Hiekey of Bolands Small and medium-sized companies in the Mills distributers of the CM.P. French Baquette steel-making sector may receive aid under Flour.

EC Officials are putting the finishing touches to the new policy framework which will take effect from July of this year. The original 1974 framework for en vironmental aid was based on the 'polluter pays' principle, and was aimed mainly at the then burning question of meeting new emission standards. However, towards the end of last year, consultations began with member states about drawing up a new policy framework taking into acccounl the new 'green' areas such as recycling and energy technologies. Member states are expected to be con Bakery sulted on a final draft next month. received the


NEW EC Environmental State Aid Policy will mean that companies investing in cleaner production methods and new technologies, will receive Government help until the end of this century.
Mr. Bangemann said that the Commis sion is studying the possibility of creating three funds specifically designed to prevent small steel companies from being adversely affected by the plan.

EC REGULATION ON ENVIRONMENTAL AUDITS FOR COMPANIES IS ADOPTED A new regulation allowing voluntary par ticipation by industrial companies in an EC Eco-Management and Audit Scheme was adopted on March 22nd. The main thrust of this scheme is: 1. The introduction if a systematic ap proach to environmental protection by companies. 2. Regular self-assessment by companies of their environmental performances. 3. Information provided to the public on the company' environmental performances. 4. An independent evaluation of these activities. 5. A statement of participation which com panies fulfilling the regulations re quirements would be entitled to use. For further information on any of the above news items, please contact: Adrienna H a r t e n , Information Officer, E u r o Info C e n t r e , Galway C h a m b e r of C o m m e r c e and I n d u s t r y , H a r d i m a n House, 5 Eyre S q u a r e , Galway.

i e t o e x p a n s i o n w e r e q u i r e an additional e x rienced T r a v e l Consultant to join o u r t e a m . T h e plicant must have at least 2 years experience and v e a g o o d k n o w l e d g e of fares, ticketing a n d of computerised reservations system. O n l y applicants reaching the a b o v e criteria will considered. Reply with full Curriculum Vitae to

Aquaculture and the E n v i r o n m e n t
AN TAISCE. the national The Conference takes environmental protection place on April 30th and May agency, are holding a major 1st at the Connemara Coast conference on Aquaculture Hotel. Bookings forms and and its impact on the en further information available vironment. The second day from An T a i s c e . T h e of the conference will Tailors' Hall. Back Lane. discuss the current status of Dublin 8. Tel: 01-541786. sea-trout slocks in the West Fax: 01 - 533255 of Ireland.

the EC's restructuring plan. Industry Com missioner. Martin Bangeman. told EC In dustry ministers at a meeting in NyBorg. Denmark on March 20. The restructuring plan will try to solve over-production in Europe's steel Industry and as a result, some companies will have to close down certain product lines. At a meeting in Brussels in February. Irish. Greek and Portugese Ministers in sisted that this should not lead to difficulties for small industries in their countries, which concentrate on making just one product.

1 WHIiamsgate Street, Galway.

Management Training in Japan
IRISH COMPANIES seeking to develop suc cessful business links with J a p a n a r e being offered the opportunity to send their senior managers on a training course in Tokyo. This thirteen week train ing course, organised by the European Commission and the Japanese Ministry of In ternational Trade and Industry. takes place between August and N o v e m b e r 1993. Through lectures, field trips and work ex perience placements, course participants learn about Japanese markets and ways of doing business. The course is free, but companies sending senior managers pay travel and ac commodation expenses. However. small and medium sized companies can also apply for additional sponsorship to cover travel and accommodation costs. WISH TO APPOINT Candidates must be at least 35 years old and have a Part-time Sales Person minimu n of 10 years work Age 20-30 years with experience. proven experience in For further details con retail fashion. ta t F Please forward full C.cV. toi o n a H a c k e t t , M I S S P A M E L A MAXWELL K P M G Management Con Betty BARCLAY S H O P sulting, I Stokes Place, St. CORRIB CENTRE, Stephen's G r e e n , Dublin EYRE ST. GALWAY. 2. Tel 01-708 1800.

ienior Sales Assistant
A Vacancy has arisen for a

E X P E R I E N C E D 1 2 O N C O N S O L E TO OPERATOR 8 . 0 0 TO M I D N I G H T A 2 4 A . M . SHIFT H O U R S TO 2 8 0 G STATION.

o work in one of our Exclusive Fashion tores in the City Centre. Experience of ie Fashion Industry Essential. Applicants must be aged between 2 1 - 3 5 years
Apply to Bex No 2 7 1 6

A P P L Y B O X N O .

ith current C. V. by Tuesday 13th April 1993


Peter Heffernan B. Sc..

R E S T A U R A N T & B A R

B U N D O R A N , CO. D O N E G A L

3 r d or 4 t h Year C o m m i s Chief M / F
F r n *

Highly m o t i v a t e d self starting p e r s o n , p o s s i b l y with Public Profile a n d selling ability, to activate f u n d i n g effort in G a l w a y for major s u c c e s s f u l ptoject, over 6 - 1 2 month period. Car a n d c l e a n driving l i c e n c e e s s e n t i a l . Attractive P a c k a g e offered. C.V. to M c D O N A G H H A W K I N S & C O . , C a t h e d r a l Buildings Lower Abbeygate S t r e e t , G a l w a y .

ienced Waitresses Tel: 0 7 2 - 4 1 4 9 0

Ph.D. has been appointed Manager of the Martin Ryan Marine Science Institute, U. C. G. Prior to joining U. C. G., Dr. Heffenum was an Associate Professor/Research Scientis and Head of Mariculture R&D with the University of Georgia (USA) Marine Sciences Programme

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 Galway Advertiser 1993 / 1993_04_08