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Galway Advertiser 1990/1990_10_04/GA_04101990_E1_012.pdf

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Presented b y the M e r c u r y Radio
(Music fades out and the voice of a Radio W-t D J is h e a r d ) : And t h a t w a s Elton John belting it out from that "Club at the End of the Street". The time is 9.30 and this is B a r r y Bananas and you're listen ing to Radio W-t, FM 96.5 and 98.3 on your radio dial. And now... (A voice breaks in:) We interrupt this broadcast to bring you a special bulletin from Orson Doherty direct from Tonabrocky, Galway. ( R e p o r t e r : ) Are w e on the air?...Good evening, I'm Orson Doherty and I a m speaking to you from Tonabrocky in Galway's Westside. Nearly twenty minutes ago a mysterious object, about 300ft. high appeared on the gentle slopes of this lovely rural spot. It immediately began e m i t t i n g a low-pitched sound. Gardai have arriv ed and the a r m y has been alerted. So far, it seems to be harmless, but..Wait a minute! What's happen ing? Quick, boys, get the camera on that! What's that? Someone call the studio! Oh God, it's star ting to...Look out! I t ' s moving towards me.. This is Orson D o h e r t y a t T o n a b r o c k y . An enor moving in my direction! Gardai a r e approaching with cau tion, a n d . O H GOD! NO! NOL..AARGH! " (Radio W - t : ) We ap pear to have lost contact with our mobile unit at Tonabrocky. While w e ' r e waiting to rejoin Orson, we'll have a little music...(the melodious strains of J a s o n Donovan fill the a i r w a v e s for just enough t i m e to cause half the listeners to switch to C-- y Radio; the other half h e a r : ) Hey! Wild, m a n ! We've re-established con tact with Orson Doherty. Hello Orson, s o m e show

WEST Our Visitors left laughing
I am sure I am not the only one who found getting out of bed last Monday morning dif ficult. A four day Oyster Festival, magnificantly well organised this year, which involved so many pubs and restaurants in the ci ty, is enough to keep the bravest festival reveler in his bed for a month. I have only missed two out of the thirty-six Oyster Festivals to date anhd I thoroughly enjoyed myself again this year. Every year it gets bigger and bet ter; every year I meet new and interesting people enjoying themselves so much? If Guinness could bot tle a pint of 'Galway Magic' the whole world would be a hap py place.
F i r s t things first. T h e r e w a s a t i m e when only Galway Oyster Openers (they call them " s h u c k e r s " in the States!) won the International Ti tle. Now it goes to com petitors a r o u n d the world. This y e a r ' s winner w a s B e r n a r d Gonntier from P a r i s who opened his 30 oysters in a fraction over 3 minutes, to the delight of r e s t a u r a n t owner G a r r e t t Sullivan. T h e Irish con testants fought bravely for their place in t h e finals in the pubs of t h e city last Thursday night. The Bunch of Grapes, Freeneys and Taylors Bar hoisted the National Championships which at tracted such enormous crowds I honestly couldn't see who w a s winning. I loved t h e p a r a d e through t h e city on Satur day. Outside the G r e a t Southern Hotel a bus tour w a s held up in traffic. When the M a c n a s 'Fiz Bolg' l u m b e r e d along and looked in the bus window t h e r e w a s consternation inside. And that consterna tion continued throughout the day. We followed the p a r a d e to t h e Spanish Arch--I would follow the North of Ireland Friend ship Band a n y w h e r e and in the vast m a r q u e e w e all dived into o u r oysters, soup a n d sea-food lunch. The weather was perfect and most people s a t along the quay which was perfect for m e to m e e t old friends a n d m a k e new ones. Some of the people I m e t : Guinness directors a n d senior staff: Brian O'Neill, Stephen & Lee Lombard, Keith Hunt DIC. MSR) a n d wife Poppy. Michael & M a r y Whelan, Michael Rooney, Bill & Marie McGauran and John F l y n n the most Elegant Lady was P a d d i M o n a g h a n , Kathleen & J a c k Toolin, Michael, Tom & Anne Keating, P u a l and M a r y Colleran, Tom & J o a n O'Connor with brother Billy and Nellis, J o a n & Tony O'Connor

CAN'T WATCH ANYMORE...AARGH! (Radio W - t : ) Wow, I guess the MMDS doesn't like poetry very much, huh? Wonder if he likes Competitions! Listen! All you guys and gals! We've got a g r e a t new Competi tion for you! J u s t tell us the n a m e of your favourite Cablelink p r o g r a m m e and we'll send you a brand new J a s o n Donovan album and a tea-shirt! How's about that, huh? ( R T E Radio One (you know, the serious one:) Galway has been devastated by the attack of a c r e a t u r e known only as the MMDS. Late last night thousands of people were reported to be crossing the Quincentennial Bridge, frantically trying to leave the a r e a . It a p p e a r s the c r e a t u r e landed in the Tonabrocky area of Galway last night, laying w a s t e huge sections of the city. All a t t e m p t s to get through to local radio have failed. (Sepuchral Voice s p e a k s : ) This h a s been a radio dramatization brought to you by the Mer cury Radio T h e a t r e , pro duced by Orson Doherty, broadcasting live from a small but delightful pub in the middle of Galway. If you h a v e r e a d this piece, ron h a v e just absorbed a t east enough radiation to fry your r a s h e r s and grill two sausages. We hope you h a v e enjoyed the show... H.G. O'Doherty, author of "The War of the Waves", etc. etc.

out there, I guess! (Static nearly drowns the sound of his voice:) ...a scene of utter devasta t i o n .. . t e r r i b l e casulties.. .waves of energy...a s h a p e like a huge television personali ty....OH GOD! H E R E IT COMES! ITS...ITS GOT MY A R M . . . ( o n l y static fills the waves) (Radio W - t D J : ) Wow! Must be pretty heavy out t h e r e ! Let's go over to UCG w h e r e P r o f e s s o r Rudigar Kilahertz is stan ding by with our reporter, Miles Uvhotair. Can you hear m e , Miles? (Miles Uvhotair:) Yes I can h e a r you, Barry. I'm standing in the Physics D e p a r t m e n t with P r o fessor Rudigar Kilohertz. Professor, do you have any thoughts on what's hap pening out at Tonabrocky? Crazy n a m e , huh? (The Professor speaks in a thick G e r m a n ac c e n t . ) Oh J a h ! It is ein MMDS a n d h e ' s v e r r y angury! Oh j a h ! (Miles:) Is t h e r e anything we can do to stop it? (Professor Kilohertz:) Oh Nein! He will destroy everything! Oh J a h ! He is a verry hungry little MMDS! (Miles:) Is there no ad vice you can offer the ter rified people of Galway? (Professor:) Oh J a h ! Switch y o u r T . V . ' s to R T E ! That will s t a r v e the c r e a t u r e of his food! (Miles:) Barry, I've just h e a r d t h a t the Mayor h a s gone out to Tonabrocky to t r y to see if he can reason with the c r e a t u r e . Come in, Orson Doherty! (Orson Doherty:) Yes, I can see the Mayor ap proaching the c r e a t u r e . He's., he's RECITING P O E T R Y TO IT! Y E S ! The C r e a t u r e h a s turn ed...oh, it's terrible to look looks just like..RUPERT MUR DOCH !.. The Mayor is of fering him a copy of a book. .1 can't m a k e out the cover The creature has accepted it...He's opening the book...He a p p e a r s to be reading i t . O H NO! H E ' S THROWN IT BACK TO T H E MAYOR!...AND NOW!...OH MY GOD!.. T H E CREATURE HAS JUST Z A P P E D THE MAYOR! HE'S Z A P P E D THE MAYOR! AND NOW HE'S P I C K E D HIM U P ! AND H E ' S H O L D I N G HIM CLOSE TO HIS...HEAD! WHAT'S THAT?.. OH MY GOD! IT'S "THE STARSPANGLED B A N N E R " ! THE MAYOR IS WRITHING IN P A I N . H E ' S TRYING TO BLOCK HIS E A R S ! . . . I

Sighle Tbibin of Fair City at the Gala Ball
(Galway), P a u l O'Grady, J o a n n a Downes, Liam & G r a c e Joyce (Moycullen) Siobhan Kelly, G e o r g e McGowan, J a c k Cullen (Drogheda), Pascal, Breese, Aine & Kieran Spelman, E a m o n McKeon (CIE H o t e l s ) , M i c h a e l Craughwell (whoorganis ed some 45 acts, bands and some 200 musicians for the festival) Mr & Mrs Michael Niland, (Galway), Chris McKenzie (Manchester), John Coyle, Ann F l a n n a g a n ( T h e Mighty Secretary of the Festival) and hubby Frank.

I w a s very impressed when I went into the Ardilaun Hotel to see the magnificent and tasteful extension that is now in place. It really is a first class job and the hotel still r e t a i n s its friendly in timate atmosphere despite its new size. Tom O'Hea of course, was his usual convinial self. Oysters were handed out on a r r i v a l , music and entertainment accompanied a first class dinner which suddenly ex ploded with the arrival of the Friendship Band. They a r e a great bunch of lads and lassies which include Bill Coaghly, Ron nie Kennedy, Ken Tweedie, P e t e r Dawson, Ron P a t t e r s o n , P e t e r G r a h a m , David Foster, N a t Cambell, Ron Ballentine a n d S a m Greenaway. T h e r e w e r e also t h r e e Galway people in the band M a u r i c e Walsh, Eileen Walsh and Tom Feeney. Finally, I m a d e it to C. J.'s in Salthill on Sunday morning and I can honest ly say I never laughed so much at P a s c h a l Spelman a s he conducted the Friendship Band. What a m e m o r y all those visitors have of Galway! They left here laughing. WILLY FAHY

Caroline Rathwell of R T.E.'s Fair City at the Gala Ball
Jnr, John & Ann Cummins, Brian & U n a McDonagh (Shantalla), Dorothy and Seamus Foy (Corundulla), Phoebe Thorton (Belfast), Mary McGuirald, Maureen Renihan (Galway), J a c k & M a r y Cullen (Drogheda) a n d brother Liam, George McGonigal, Geraldine Geoghegan (Kilcrest), Bernadette Waldell, and F i a n c e J o h n Kenny, Murty & Son John Rabbitte (Galway), Kathleen Langan, Sheila Cahill a n d Eileen F a h y , The VIP T o u r s G r o u p : Wolfang Ropp, Buckhand & Eilen Niemann, Uwe Stadeldaler, who brought a 35 Tour group from Ger m a n y Lillian Stanley & Sheila McCarthy (Loughrea), Donna White (Sal thill) Martin Kelly and Bert Lynskey (Claddagh), M a u r e e n S h i e r s (Kinv a r a ) , Christine Chang (Manhattan) Bill Kehoe (Waterford) Patrick Moore (Galway Crystal), The Callaghan Family (Galway Crystal) J o h n H u g h e s ( S p i d d a l ) , Bill Lawless, Margaret Keeney (Galway), Bren dan Forde (Claddagh School Head Master), P J . and Mary McDonagh (High Street), Joe & Mary Connert y (Renmore) Michael and Nuala Coogan, E m e r O'Toole, M a r y a n d Roy Cooley (London) Caroline Pelham (London), Roy Cawley (Cra ugh w e l l ) . E d d i e & Eileen Bohane (Craughwell), Larry & Noreen Courtney (Craughwell), James Cawley (London), F r a n k & Ethel Fahy (Minister for Sport), Bobby & Phyllis Molloy ( M i n i s t e r for E n e r g y ) , Nick B r e n n a n (Yorkshire), Una Gaffney



FOB ALL YOUR i Contact

T h e F i l m Resource Cen t r e would like to invite you to b e c o m e a m e m b e r of their Video Users Club and D a r k Room. T h e Club, which h a s its first meeting on T h u r s d a y , October 4th t 8 p.m. at the F R C p r e m i s e s in Seaport House, 4 new Dcks St.. has post production facilities and cameras available a n d if for those using V.H.S., S.V.H.S., V.8, C Cassette and Betamex vidoe formats. The c e n t r e is presently dressing its d a r k room for m e m b e r s

COLLEGE RD. Ph. (Ml) (6170 ((lines) Fax (091) 68389

Introductory meeting Wednesday October 10th a t 8 p.m. in The Corrib Great Southern Hotel, Dublin Road, Galway Enquiries 46265

COLLEGE RD. GALWAY Ph. (091) 66170 (6 lines) Fax (091) 68389

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 Galway Advertiser 1990 / 1990_10_04