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Galway Advertiser 1990/1990_10_11/GA_11101990_E1_020.pdf

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X . C . P H Y S I C I S T S A Y S : "I N O C A U S E F O R C O N C E R N '
Dear Editor, Having seen the radia tion warning signs along the Moycullen Road and having visited and talked to people next the Tonabrocky site, I am ap palled and saddened at the fear and near hysteria generated by this issue. May I attempt to allay those fears and clarify some points. On seeking planning permission Cablelink were required to get an expert report on possible health implications with the UK National Radiological Pro tection Board (NRPB) be ing suggested as the most appropriate body. The calculations the NRPB performed assumed the worst possible conditions that might exist at any of the Cablelink sites. Allow ing for the full 11 channels and adding a further safe ty factor of 4, it was shown that the most exposed per son would receive an ex posure 230 times less than the safety level recom mended by the Interna tional Radiation Protec tion Association IRPA! Having seen the situation at Tonabrockey, with an 86 ing given to Tonabrocky metre mast on top of hill, residents comes from out it is likely that the max siders, whose motives, imum exposures would in commerical interests and fact be several thousanths expertise should be of any limit. Having questioned. reviewed this NRPB As no single person can report I am entirely happy be expert on all aspects of with these huge safety these complex issues, it is margins. best to refer to interna The IRPA and other tional bodies, the IRPA in bodies consider the lower this case, who carefully frequencies used in nor consider all scientific mal FM radio and VHF evidence. It is easy for op television to be of more ponents to select one danger and so set safety report of risk, often of levels five times lower for dubious quality, and to these frequencies. If the conveniently ignore the protestors are really con years of collected research cerned about health issues, considered by these then it is logical that they bodies. Unfortunately, campaign to have all these when such issues reach a RTE transmitters closed near hysterical stage, no immediately. As no such amount of assurances or campaign has been laun public meetings seem to be ched, and I do not suggest able to arrest it. it should be, it would ap pear to me that it is commericial r a t h e r than Philip W. Walton, health concerns that are Professor involved. It would not be Physics, UCG of Applied the first time that health Formerly Head of the scares, especially those in Physics volving alleged cancers in Radiation children, have been misus Division, Medical College of ed in a callous and cruel way. I understand that Virginia, U.S.A. much of the "advice" be

Dear Editor, I would like to congraduate you on your editorial "M.M.D.S. CAUSE FOR CON CERN?" (4th October, '90) which makes a reasoned contribution to the debate. I completely agree with your comment that Cablelink has an obligation to ensure that its public profile is not open to misinterpretation, and in fact we have been active in seeking to give people the facts about M.M.D.S. As you rightly say radiation is a word that frightens people. However, it would be totally misleading to suggest that M.M.D.S. is in any way unique in terms of radia tion output. Electro magnetic waves which are used by M.M.D.S. (and all other communications systems) are in no way similar to nuclear radia tion and it is totally misleading to confuse the two. The facts are as follows: 1. All communication networks (radio, telephone, telecom munications, satellites, RTE radio & tv, local radio, deflector tv systems and M.M.D.S.) emit elec tro magnetic waves into the atmosphere. 2. All licenced electro magnetic wave transmis sions including M.M.D.S. must conform to standards recommended by respon sible and authoritative bodies. These standards have been published by the IRPA (International Radiation Protection Association) working in conjunction with the World Health Organisation. 3. The level of Electro magnetic waves for Cablelink's M.M.D.S. system is below the I.R.P.A. guidelines by a factor of at least 230. This has been independently confirmed by the N.R.P.B. (National Radiological Protection Board, UK.). 4. If research in the future indicated that the safety limits as currently set should be doubled, or increased tenfold, or even one hundredfold, Cablelink's M.M.D.S. transmitter would still within those safety limits. Cablelink is part of the community in Galway and, with M.M.D.S., looks forward to an expanded local community role in providing the highest stan dards of safety, quality and customer service in multichannel t.v. viewing. Yours faithfully, John Moore O'Connor, Manager, CABLELINK GALWAY Ltd., Odeon House, 7 Eyre Square, Galway.

Dear Editor, I am a concerned grand mother and widow, previously left with eleven young children to rear and with thirty-two grand children who lived very happy in Bushypark for the past forty-eight years. I have been in a protest in Oranmore against the M.M.D.S. for the first time in my life because I fear for the likes of the genera tions I have reared and worked very hard for and without the help of their father R.I.P. I have always respected our Government and have taught my children to respect them and always to work honestly for a liv ing. But I can no longer say I hold any respect for our Government because of the fear they have plunged us in every time I look into the faces of my little innocent grand children. I shiver with fear when I think what might lie ahead for them. Why has our Government per mitted some thing they say to entertain us when they know what they are doing is destroying our homes and families our lives, our village and our city that we worked so hard for and loved so dear. In God's name why can not Ray Burke and Cablelink let an old lady who always respected their laws and taught her children to respect them live her last few years in peace and happiness. Very worried grandmother, Rita Lydon



A R E A "

Dear Sir, Since becoming aware of the most in Tbnabrocky, I have become more con cerned about a. the possi ble health implications for my family and the people of Galway; b. that the company, Cablelink, can construct this mast without complying with the planning permission. There has been no evidence to date stating categorically that there are no adverse effects from the M.M.D.S. If pro ven, as many would claim, that it is dangerous, then the effects on our families could be serious. Until it is proven that this is com

pletely safe than the peo ple of Galway should regret it. It states clearly in the booklet published by the Department of Com munications on M M D S , that this mast should be situated in an "isolated area" with a fence around it. How come the planning permission authorities allowed it to be erected within a four mile radius of Galway City and in a populated area, with no fence around it. Yours faithfully, Margaret Crowe BalUndooley, Galway.

T O D A Y ' S S A F E T Y L E V E L S ; T O M O R R O W ' S D A N C E R
Dear Editor, This letter is prompted by the statement form the Minister for Communica tions, Mr. Ray Burke and his department that the radiation exposure limits associated with M.M.D.S. are designed to ensure a safe and healthy working and living environment "from presently available knowledge". However, as has happened so many times in the past, "presently available knowledge" alters substantially in the light of experience. Todays safety levels become tomorrows danger levels. The problem with M.M.D.S. and the reason why the people of Galway are worried is that the case for the system has just not been proven. Although there exists no research showing that M.M.D.S. is a health hazard, equally there is no definitive research stow ing that is is an entirely safe and satisfactory system for Galway, and in deed Ireland as a whole. There does, however, exist copious evidence that long term exposure to microwave radiation, albeit at a low level is dangerous. Some points require clarification. Mr. Ray Burke publically promised to make available up to date information and a team of experts to answer questions. If Minister Burke has this information where is it? Or is it only now that the Department is compiling its case for M.M.D.S. In other coun tries, authorities have chosen to err on the side of caution and close the door on M.M.D.S. until concrete independent research finally determines that the system is entirely safe. Over the years many people have been puzzled over the vagaries of Local Authorities in granting or refusing planning permis sion. The role of Galway County Council in the M.M.D.S. controversy re mains suspect and a number of questions need to be answered. 1. Have planning officials exper tise in the area of electro magnetic radiation? 2. Is it normal procedure to re quest planning applicants, i.e. Cablelink, to commis sion and pay for an "in dependent" report to testify that its M.M.D.S. operation is safe? Surely the planning authority should satisfy itself that the system poses no threat to the welfare of the people of the area which it pur ports to serve. 3. Is it justified to consider the opinion of an individual who, by his own admis sion, has had no ex perience of microwave radiation except in the area of microwave oven technology eleven years ago, in granting planning permission for a system as complex and untested as M.M.D.S.? Finally, Mr. John Moore O'Connor, Manager of Cablelink (Galway) has remarked that the use of the word "microwave" in M.M.D.S. is unfortunate and it is this which is scar ing people. Let us assure you, Mr. O'Connor, that it is more than the word "microwave" which is worrying us. Yours, Patricia McGrath, Letteragh, Raboon, Galway. For the Concerned Families of Tonabrocky and Surrounding Areas Action Group.

Dear Editor, this last week-end. May I address all local How much longer must T.D.s through Letterbox ? we wait for this mast to be I am writing to you in "switched off" in order to connection with the recent allow research to take ly erected M M D S , mast place. I have yet to find which, as you will note, is any reassurances form the only two fields away from benefactors - despite con my house. siderable searching. I would be unable to I urge you, therefore, to convey to you my deep felt do all in your power to anger, frustration and fear highlight this issue, both at Hs' "hunching" three on behalf of Tonabrocky weeks ago. The informa and for the equally af tion which is currently be fected city and County ing published by the press Galway. is of such an alarming nature, that I felt unable to Yours faithfully, bring my 3 small children Denise Moorcroft for a walk in the supposed Tonabrocky, Raboon, ly "good, clean air" during Galway.

PENNY McBETH with her beautiful daughter Diana, from Moyne Park, Tuam, at the opening of Mick Mulcahy exhibition in the Arts Centre on Friday.

Gaimy Advertiser i registered with the G.P.O. as a newspaper) is published by the Galway Advertiser Ltd., 2-3 Church Lane, Galway. Telephone 091-67077. Printed web offset by Kedges Printing Co.

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 Galway Advertiser 1990 / 1990_10_11