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Galway Advertiser 1971/1971_10_14/GA_14101971_E1_001.pdf

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_ G a l m a y AOvertiser
Vol. Delivered free to every home In Galway Distributed in the County Thursday Evening October 14th 1971

THE C O . MANAGER EXPLAINS . . . The Local Government (Planning and Development Act) 1963 required planning authorities to prepare development plans for their areas. The Act provides that, in the first instance, a draft develop ment plan will be prepared, and published for a minimum period of three months. The draft plan, during this period, will be available, for inspection, by members of the public, and any rate payer, or group of ratepayers, may make written sub missions, or objections, to the planning authority in regard to the draft plan and may ask to supplement their written submissions, or objections, by oral evidence. The planning authority is required to make arrangements to have oral submissions held and reported and must, before finally adopting a plan, consider the written submissions and reports and the oral evidence. In this way, the Act seeks to ensure that the plan, when finally adopted, will have taken into account the wishes and needs of the people who will be affected by it an that the plan will, as far as humanly possible, be in accordance with the wishes of the great majority of the people. -- P U R P O S E O F PLAN -- T h e purpose of planning is t o secure orderly development, t o ensure t h a t growth takes place in a controlled manner, that development which might d a m a g e the environment, or prejudice the amenities, of a n area will n o t t a k e place, and that the necessary services, t o cater for growing areas, are provided to facilitate desirable development. Unfortunately, very often development, which is necessary for the general good, conflicts with private interests of individuals, while, at the same time, development for their general good is n o t hampered. social life of the city, should say so in writing and give their reasons. People w h o agree with the provisions of the plan should also indicate their agreement, or m a k e . k n o w n the points which they think require further examination. A n u m b e r of specific objec tives are included in the draft development plan and obser vations o n these should be submitted. -- PUBLIC MEETINGS -- Plans are essentially docu ments of a technical n a t u r e and m a y be difficult for ordin ary people to understand. It is for this reason t h a t public meetings have been held, t o explain the provisions of the draft development plan, and t h a t organisations are being met, a n d t h e proposals for their particular districts ex plained m o r e fully t o them. T h e draft development plan visualises a Galway of 50,000 people by 1987--a G a l w a y t h a t will still be the c o m mercial capital of C o n n a c h t , the premier tourist resort in the country, a university city a n d a city in which a n indus trial a r m will have been devel oped. The roads, water/sewer age services, to provide for this population, and these activities, m u s t be provided. Recreation facilities, open spaces, swimming pools, and other amenities, will also have to be provided. Tourist devel o p m e n t (hotels, guest houses, sntertainment facilities) m u s t Continued o n page 2


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the c o u n t y Manager explains


ause of the wide interest wn in the City Draft Plan nd because of complaints ted by many Associations kat the Plan is difficult to

understand--The Galway Ad what exactly the Plan provertiser asked our County Manager, Mr. A. Sharkey, to. Mr. Sharkey submitted the explain to the City and County following statement:--

Everyone is, by now, fam iliar with the procedures to_be followed to secure planning permission for new develop ment. Once a plan is a d o p t e d , all planning applications must be considered and dealt with, in accordance with the p r o visions of the plan. T h e im portance of public participa tion, in the m a k i n g of the plan, can not be over emphasised. Persons w h o feel t h a t they will be adversely affected by the plan should submit their objections. Communities w h o feel the environment of their districts will be damaged, or w h o feel amenities, which are i m p o r t a n t t o them, will be lost, should get together and formulate written submissions, to ensure t h a t their views will be t a k e n into account. People who feel t h a t the general p r o posals will not be for t h e betterment of the economic o r

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 Galway Advertiser 1971 / 1971_10_14