Galway Advertiser 1993/1993_02_18/GA_18021993_E1_012.pdf 

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Galway Advertiser 1993/1993_02_18/GA_18021993_E1_012.pdf

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J u m p



i n aid of the National Breast cancer Research institute
T H E Galway Advertiser in conjunction with t h e Galway Round Table are organising a Parachute Jump at Galway Airport on Easter Sunday to raise badly needed funds for t h e National Breast Cancer Research Institute at University College Hospital Galway.
It is hoped to raise a considerable sum of money through our efforts and we are appealing to readers and businesses in Galway to support the cause. We are looking for twenty readers to do a parachute jump and raise funds. Weather permitting we will also attempt the-first Hot Air Ballon flight between the Aran Islands and Carnmore Airport on the day. Several more Hot Air Balloons will be flying around the City. There will also be a lot of other aerial activities on the day. More details of these events will be published prior to the event The jumpers will be given an intensive training course on Easter Saturday, and of course safety is foremost. It is hoped the day will be a FAMILY DAY and that Galway people will flock to Carnmore to support the jumpers. For more details and sponsorship cards call to the Galway Advertiser.

Beating Breast Cancer
Why not avail of this chance to find out what a modem exciting sport parachuting can be-- exhilarating and unlike anything before, while at the same time raise funds for a very worthwhile cause. The flight to the jump height only takes a few minutes and you will be accompanied by an instructor from the Irish Parachute Club. Once over the exit point the instructor will give you the command to go. As soon as you go your parachute will open automatically. You will then steer your parachute towards the landing area. With the equipment you will be us ing the landing can be tippy-toe soft. A reserve parachute is also worn in case of emergency. Is this for you? If it is contact the Galway Adver tiser 2/3 Church Lane for more details.


REAST CANCER RESEARCH has been ongoing in Galway since 1984. Breast cancer is one of the most vicious scourges of women today. The average woman has a 1 in 11 chance of developing it. It is the most common cause of death in middle-aged women and the second most common in 25-34 year olds.
Despite improved detection and treatment, there has been no significant decline in mortality. The general picture is of a slowly worsening situation according to the experts. Professor Fred Given, Professor of Surgery at University College Hospital and Director of the National Breast Cancer Research Institute states that in the last ten years more than 6,500 women have died of breast cancer in Ireland. In 1992 alone, 660 women died of this dreaded disease and the figures continue to increase. The National Breast Cancer Research Institute carries out continuous breast cancer research and employs a team of eight researchers under the laboratory direction of Dr. Declan Maher. Professor Given and his skilled team are examining methods of identifying patients at risk as some are more inherendy prone to breast cancer than others. But, he hastens to add, that results will not occur overnight. Already some headway has been made. There is a need to create a greater realisation of all cancers according to Professor Given. A structured education programme would help to heighten awareness among women about the early signs of breast disease. It cannot be stressed enough that breast cancer is curable, if detected in time, he says. The Advertiser with your help can go a long way towards helping this marvellous work. I f you can't j u m p please send a small donation to the N.B.C.R.I. " J u m p For L i f e " through the coupon on this page. The Galway Advertiser and the Galway Round Table have four representatives between them who will be jumping on Easter Sunday.















Donations can be sent to the Galway Advertiser marked

or you can lodge directly into a/c no. 13983063 Allied Irish Bank 18 Eyre Square, Galway. Cheques or Postal Orders should be made payable to Galway Round Table/ N.B.C.R.I. Jump For Life

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 Galway Advertiser 1993 / 1993_02_18