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Galway Advertiser 1973/1973_09_20/GA_20091973_E1_005.pdf

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CONSUMER RIGHTS THE REPORT prepared for the National Prices Commission which was published last week may appear to be a very radical document to some on first reading. In fact it recommends no more or no less than what is normally the law in most western countries. This in turn indicates how badly protected Irish consumers are, how little we hear of consumer rights in this country and how dis-interested most shoppers are in these matters despite all the grumbling. The rapid rise in the cost of living in recent years has helped to change this situation somewhat, and the recommendations now pro posed are to be welcomed even at this late stage. Irish people have begun to take a stand on prices, particularly since the increases which decimalisation introduced. Great interest was shown in the results which would arise in the price of the family budget following the removal of V.A.T. on food. And while it would seem that the new public awareness did in fact ensure that prices were reduced somewhat in this latter case (though not by the margin that would be mathe matically accurate) the big question remains "What do I do if I have a complaint?" It is in this context that we welcome in particular the suggestion that consumer complaints, consumer rights and where necessary legal procedures for redress, should be totally re-organised and on a regional and local basis. There is little point in complaining about bad value in^ the case of any ordinary item if you have to "write to Dublin" fbout it and go through procedures which may in the end cost more than the price of the item itself! There is need also for a morjz positive Trades Description Act and of course for easier and clearer packaging -- with regard to both weights and prices. Weights will probably have to wait until we go metric. In the meantime we have all learned the 'essons of decimalisation. The government should act at once on the recommendations ave now been made. UP GALWAY ! football time is here again and for Galway everywhere it is an occasion of special interest this year. Our goes to Croke Park to try again to bring the Sam Maguire Cup to Corribside. It is in no way underestimating the ability of our opponents that we wish our own side well and add that we not hope, but in fact feel, that our boys can do it. Go n-eiri go geal which

Citizens Advice Bureau
A citizens' advice bureau is being opened by Galway West Constituency Coun cil of the Labour Party to help people get their rights It will be on a limited basis at first, but it is hoped to extend the ser vice as demand grows at a later stage. The citizens' advice bur eau will go into operation in the I.T.G.W.U. Hall, Prospect Hill, Galway, b e tween I I a.m. and I p.m. next Saturday. It will be open in the s a m e location at the same time every Saturday and will be manned by m e m bers of the city's four branches. Senator Michael D . Higgins said that Aid. T o m Tierney, Councillor Michael Smith and h i m self felt there was a de mand for a citizens' advice bureau. He pointed out: "We feel that the people should be able to bring their prob lems to us as the Labour Party controls all the social ministries in the Government."


W-e hope that there will be a support on the sideline that will be orthy of our great team. The value of such support was obvious in the hurling final when Limerick returned to the limelight after a generation in the dark. It was even suggested that if our minor hurlers on that occasion had the same support on the sideline as Limerick had in their game, they too might have won. Let there be a big turn-out on Sunday to cheer our lads to victory!


Solution to last week's Crossword

afraid it's still raining. We entered Germany near Munich where we hoped to find some work. We went North-West towards Heidleberg where we hoped to work for about onfc month and to add to our pocket money. The nearest we got to getting any type of a job was at a Canadian Air Force base but as they employ college students dur ing the Summer we had no luck there. We soon gave up all hope of finding a job and CLUES ACROSS:... decided to leave Germany as 1 Arise and dress (3, 2) soon as possible. 4 Uninterrupted (3-4) T h e real reason for leaving 8 Play about an ass ? (5) Germany so quickly was the 9 No pal to be at variance with ferocious cost of living. It this body of soldiers (7) was crippling. We really had 10 Imaginary country of Samuel DO alternative but to get Butler's satirical Utopia (7) quickly into Austria where it 12 Variety of corundum used as is a lot easier to make ends polishing powder (5) meet, both money and food 13 Dull floor covering (3) wise. It was also necessary to 14 Unspoken (5) go to Austria because my 15 The ocean (3) sister and I had to get our 16 Development of the visas to enter Yugoslavia. theatre (5) We have been in Austria 18 The highest mountain (7) now one week looking around 20 Moved to action (7) and enjoying good weather. 22 Straight lines from the We have spent the last few centre of a circle (5) days just outside Vienna, taking it easy while waiting 23 That which is most for our visas to arrive. In remote (7) fact they came through this 24 A small shoot (5) morning and in a few hours when the bus is fixed we are CLUES DOWN: off again. Yugoslavia to 1 Anything but a haphazard morrow then it's Greece, shot (6, 7) Turkey, Iran Afghanistan, 2 Three-pronged spear (7) Pakistan, India and Nepal 3 A degree of acuteness on the and so on from there. field (5) 4 Have a sleep at the card So my first impressions of table (3) living on the Continent are 5 Earnest can be closest (7) that it's one hell of an expen 6 A pin to keep the oar in sive place to live in. You place (5) wouldn't believe the prices of 7 Surely the-most inexpensive some everyday things like bicycle (5-8) bread, milk, butter, cheese 11 Mother of pearl (5) and meat. It's very difficult 14 Let rest (anagram) (7) to eat well and not overspend. 15 Not a saver (7) Yugoslavia and 17 Course for a North Briton (5) Greece. 19 Peers of the realm (5) 21 River at Chester or Kirkcudbright (3)

people In a weekly series we are team following Michael Walsh's travels with his sister and his back brother-in-law around the world in a Volkswagen van. Cork "As I write this we are in a V.W. garage having our bus only looked at. She has been mis behaving lately and I'm leol

W a n t e d in h o u r s . Or e v e n m i n u t e s . You n e e d only give u s your c a m e r a r e a d y copy. Quality ? First rate o f f s e t . J u d g e for yourself. N u m b e r of c o p i e s ? As few as 25. Or t h o u s a n d s if y o u w a n t . Expensive ? A n y t h i n g but. You'll s a v e a s t a c k !

QGorman Limited
Printing H o u s e Telephone: Galway 2996/2284


Next week:

Across: 1 Depicts. 5 Discs. 8 Minim. 9 Observe. 10 Sloping. 11 Anvil. 12 Banish. 13 Acetic. 15 Cargo. 16 Hardest. 18 Udders. 19 Dodge. 20 Guess. 21 Strayed. Down: 1 Dumps. 2 Pontoon-Bridge. 3 Commissioners. 4 Spongy. 5 Dispatch-Rider. 6 Shrove Tuesday. 7 Shellac. 12 Back-log. 14 Chests. 17 Tread.

Are You a young person living with an alcoholic ? Come to the ALTEEN meeting every Saturday night in the Abbey Hall, Newtownsmith, Galway at 8.30 p.m.



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 Galway Advertiser 1973 / 1973_09_20