Galway Advertiser 1970/1970_05_07/GA_07051970_E1_006.pdf
U.C.G.-Soccer Club's Achievement
University College, Galway, at U.C.G. has been remarkable Soccer Club has in recent years when one considers that the size become recognised as the top club of U.C.G. (2,700 students) com in Universities Soccer competi pared to other Universities such tions. In the senior intervarsities as U.C.D. (10,000), Queen's Uni competition (The Collingwood versity, Belfast (6,000). Also it is Cup) in which the six Irish Uni the only University without the 'boost' of a senior professional versities and the Royal College of Surgeons, Dublin, compete, U.C. soccer team playing regularly in G. won the Cup in 1968, were the city. U.C.G. have also been very narrowly defeated in 1969 and recaptured the Cup in 1970. Be successful in local competitions in recent years; they were holders of cause of the increasing interest in Universities soccer, a second com the Connacht Cup in 1967 and petition (The Harding Cup) was 1968. Captain of this year's Colling initiated for under 19 students this year. U.C.G. became the first wood Cup team was local boy, team to win this competition when Austin Molloy, who together with they defeated U.C.D. in the final Don Lillis, Brian Parkes, Gerry Brennan, Hugh Friel and Michael in Dublin recently. These victor OLYMPIC BOXING CLUB ies in the senior and junior inter Dunbar, was chosen to represent Sean Harty, former Irish Wel varsities competitions auger well the Irish Universities in Interna ter champion, failed in his bid to for the future of soccer in U.C.G. tionals against the Scottish, Welsh The success of the Soccer Club and English Universities. add to his laurels the Irish light middle title, when the referee stopped the contest in the first round against his opponent Paddy Doherty of Ballyshannon. Hatty started well by throwing left jabs and right crosses to Doherty's chin, but to the strong hard pun ching new champ, it took no effect, he just walked in throwing left hooks, and the final payoff punch was a right hand to Har ry's chin as he was coming off the ropes and the referee wisely stop ped the contest. Harty has no in tention of retiring yet, at 28 years of age he thinks he has a few more good seasons in him yet and will box as a welterweight. Corofin Boxing Club is being revived and they arc holding an openair boxing tournament on Corpus Christi in Corofin Sportsfield in co-operation with the gymkhana. There will be a selec tion of Holy Family and Olympic boxers versus Corofin, Dun more and Belclare boxing clubs. Top of the bill will be Michael Connaughton. Holy Family new Irish Schoolboy Champ., when he box Left to right: Murty McGrath, Michael Coyne, Dave Finnerty, es Munstcr Youth Champ. John Michael Connolly, Liam Jones, the Mayor, Aid. Fintan Coogan, Sullivan, St. Francis boxing club, Tim Colleran, Martin McNamara, John Higgins, Sean Fahy Limerick. and Peter Sullivan.
UPPER ABBEYGATE ST., CAI.WAY. Tel. 2264/5030 GALWAY INTER-FIRM FOOTBALL CHAMPIONSHIP After two weks' games, the following teams each have two points in their respective groups: G.P.O., Malachy Burke, Crown Controls, S.P.S.(A), McDonoghs, E.S.B. The following fixtures were made at meeting held 28th instant: Thursday, April 30th: Garages v. Higgins(S). Ref. John Mullen. Monday, May 4th: Mai. Burke v. McDonogh. Ref. Pat Drummond. Tuesday, May 5th: S.P.S.(B) v. Crown. Ref. M. Quain. Friday, May 18th: Mclncmey v. Roadstone. Ref. Fk. McDer mott. Monday, May 11th: C L E . v. Higgins(S). Ref. J. Fahy. Tuesday, May 12th: G.E.C. v. Anco. Ref. K. Blaney. Wednesday, May 13th: P.O. v. Garages. Ref. M. Quain. Thursday, May 14th: S.P.S.(A) v. Hynes. Ref. Fr. Muldoon. All the above games to be played at South Park, commenc ing 7.00 p.m. except in the case of Mclnerney v. Roadstone which has a starting time of 6.30 p.m. Next fixtures meeting, Wednes day, May 13th, at Coachman Hotel, 8.30 p.m. after games.
BECKERS TEA TAKES T O THE AIR As part of a new promotional campaign, a helicopter landed at the Galway Ryan Hotel, on Tues day, May 5th. This whirlwind Becker pro gramme included a visit to Tullamore, Athlone, Ballinasloe and lunch in Galway, followed by a visit to Longford, Mullingar and back to Dublin by 4 o'clock. (Snoolcer and C^Jhxiixards At each point sales represen At a function held at Willie Joe Corless, for the first time tatives were presented with bonus Walsh's Lounge in Dominick St., since 1944. On that occasion it cheques, and local journalists, the Mayor, Aid. Fintan Coogan was won by A. J. Roche and H. who had been specially alerted, T.D., welcomed by acting chair Whelan. The following are the were given information about the Beckers Athletic Award Scheme, man Tim Colleran, presented results in full: the trophies to the winners and Junior Snooker: Martin McNa details of which have just been circulated to 5,000 schools. runners up of the various compe mara, Claddagh. Runner-up: The Awards are based on the titions. Tim Colleran in con Sean Fahy, Claddagh. Senior Bil standards set down by the Nation gratulating the winners had a liards: Willie Lally, Commercial. al Association for Athletics--Bord special word of praise for Martin Runner-up: Ml. Donnelly, Clad McNamara of the Claddagh Hall dagh. Senior Snooker: Brian Luthchleas na hEireann--and has the approval of the Department who achieved a notable double Connolly, Claddagh. Runner-up: by winning the Junior Snooker Ml. Donnelly, Claddagh. Senior of Education. and Billiard competitions. Ano The use of a helicopter for this Billiards Doubles: Ml. Coyne and ther great achievement was that Dave Finnerty, Claddagh. Run sales trip is part of a streamlining of 20 year old Michael Coyne, ner-up: Wm. Higgins and Murt process which started in 1968, who with Dave Finnerty became McGrath, Mechanics. Senior when four of the country's oldest the youngest player in the history Snooker Doubles: Joe Corless family tea-blending companies de of the competition to win the Sen and Tim Colleran, Mechanics. cided to amalgamate and form ior Inter Club Billiards. Michael Runners-up: Paddy Duignan and Allied Tea Blenders, and market is a former holder of the Junior Murt McGrath, Mechanics. Jnr. their product under the brand and Senior Snooker titles and his Snooker Doubles: Ml. Donnelly name of BECKERS TEA. uncle, the popular Paddy Oliver and John Higgins, Claddagh. has his name at least once on Runners-up: Paul Cheevers and every Billiard and Snooker Trophy Murt McGrath, C.Y.M.S. Junr. in the city. Willie Lally of the Billiard Threes: C.Y.M.S., M. J. SUCCESSFUL WORKSHOP Commercial Club, after an ab Burke, Ml. Connolly, L. Jones. During the last three days in sence of almost ten years, came Runners-up: Commercial, F. April, representatives of the Lish back in great style to win the Gallagher, T. Courtney, R. Tourist Industry and the British Senior Billiards Championship Walsh. Travel Trade met in London. with a decisive win over Michael This gave the Irish participants Donnelly of the Claddagh. The After the presentations the an opportunity for selling inclu Senior Snooker was won by Brian sive charge holidays directly Connolly for the second succes Mayor was loud in his praise of overseas market; and was ato an fav the organising committee, who sive season and Michael Donnelly West was again runner up in this com spent much of the spare time ourable occasion for Irelandseason making the necessary fixtures and to project Galway as an off petition. without whose patience and dedi resort. In this they were success The Senior Inter Club Snooker cation the entire competitions ful. Arus Failte was praised for was won by the Mechanics Club could not have been such a its excellent presentation of prires and inclusive tours. Not only was represented by Tim Colleran and business satisfactory from English Agents but an Israeli firm has agreed to advertise Ireland West in their brochure for the coming year.
Mrs. S. F. O'Beirn, Lady Captain, presenting Mrs. B. Hennelly with her prize. Other prize winners from left t o right: Mrs. D. O'Beirne, Mrs. E. Ceary, Mrs. S. Lawler (best gross), Mrs. W. Sandys, Miss T. Landers, Mrs. C. Burke (runner up).
2 points at t h e 5^h. s h e p u l l e d h e r
LADY CAPTAIN'S PRIZE S u n d a y last, May 3rd w a s Lady C a p t a i n ' s D a y at Galway Golf Club. The p o p u l a r i t y of t h e Captain, Mrs. S. F. O'Beirn e n t i c e d 120 l a d i e s to c o m p e t e for h e r prize. It w a s play ed in conditions which, though cold, w e r e n o t v e r y s e v e r e . The c o m p e t i t i o n itself w a s p l a y e d on the stableford p t s . s y s t e m . Mrs. B. H e n n e l l y p l a y i n g off 20 r e t u r n e d a c r e d i t a b l e 35 pts. to w i n no less t h a n h e r sixth C a p t a i n ' s P r i z e -- s u r e l y a record in I r e l a n d ? T h r e e of t h e s e s h e w o n in Co. S l i g o a n d t h e o t h e r t h r e e h e r e in Galway, t h e last b e i n g just two years ago. C o m m e n t i n g on h e r g a m e , Mrs. H e n n e l l y s a i d that h e r points w e r e not c o l l e c t e d o n s p e c t a c u l a r golf, but by s t e a d y a n d c o n s i s t e n t putt ing--32 putts in a l l . Her card b e a r s w i t n e s s to this, w h e r e w e d i s c o v e r that s h e d r o p p e d p t s . on only 3 of the 18 h o l e s , t h e 3rd, 9th a n d 14th. The 3rd w h e r e s h e took 4 to r e a c h the g r e e n a n d t h e n 2 putted for a 6 a n d 1 point. At t h e 9th, w h e r e s h e hit h e r d r i v e right of t h e g r e e n , p l a y e d a very d e l i c a t e c h i p a n d m a d e h e r only p u t t i n g m i s t a k e of the d a y by t a k i n g 3 putts. T h e 14th where she had a 6 and again g a i n e d just 1 point. S h e m a d e u p for t h e s e m i s t a k e s on t h e 17th a n d 18th, w h e r e s h e 1 putted for 3 a n d 2 points r e s p e c t i v e l y , 5 very valu a b l e points a s it t u r n e d o u t . Her total for t h e 18 h o l e s w a s 35 p o i n t s . The r u n n e r - u p . Mrs. Claire Burke (29 h a n d i c a p ) recently won the Moon Cup a n d w a s o n e of t h e pret o u r n a m e n t f a v o u r i t e s . This h o n o u r s e e m e d to rest r a t h e r h e a v i l y nn h e r s h o u l d e r s o v e r t h e first t h r e e h o l e s , w h e n s h e could only m n n a e e 3 p o i n t s . S e u l i n g d o w n s h e collec ted 12 points from t h e 4th to flth. h i g h l i g h t e d by a 6 a n d 3 points at t h e 7th The 10th w a s a d i s a s t e r w h e r e s h e r e c o r d e d a 10, but r e c o v e r i n g brilliantly s h e hit a l o v e l y d r i v e at t h e l i t h that w a s t h e start of a run of 3. 7, 4. 5. 6, 5. for 16 p o i n t s w h i c h left h e r w i t h 31 p o i n t s f o r 16 h o l e s . Four points on t h e 17th and 18th would h a v e w o n for h e r . h e r first C a p t a i n ' s Prize, but fate d e c i d e d o t h e r w i s e a n d s h e finished r u n n e r - u p bv virtue of a b e t t e r 2 n d nine from Mrs. G. O'Neill a n d Miss Margaret McGowan. Mrs. O'Neill p l a y i n g off 15 startn-' verv h a d l v . w h e n c r o s s i n g t h e r^art after 4 h o l e s h a d onlv 3 pts. on h e r card. I n s p i r e d by a 6 ? n d
1 o v e r p a r or l>t u . toi thtf .e.c 10 h o l e s to l e a v e h e r v k h 31 pi;,, for 15 h o l e s . On t h e 16th t e e , hav i n g to c o n t e n d w i t h a s o u t h e r l y wind s h e s l i c e d h e r d r i v e into t h e f u r z e a n d failed to find t h e h u h . This r e s u l t e d in a 9 for t h e hole and p r o v e d h e r d o w n f a l l both for t h e r u n n e r - u p prize a n d c l a s s A 2nd n i n e prize. Miss McGowan after p l a y i n g t h e 1st n i n e w e l l , r e l a x e d from t h e 10th to 14th a n d left h e r s e l f with just too m u c h to d o o v e r t h e last four. D e t e r m i n e d , s h e m a d e t h e effort by h a v i n g 5, 5, 4, 5, for 10 pts. a n d n a r r o w l y failed to w i n a prize. The b e s t g r o s s w a s w o n o n t h e last s i x by Mrs. S. Lawler from Miss Tess L a n d e r s . T h e 13th p r o v e d d e c i s i v e w h e r e Mrs. Lawler hit a beautiful d r i v e a n d 1 putted for a 2 a g a i n s t Miss L a n d e r s 4. Miss L a n d e r s h a d c o n s o l a t i o n in w i n n i n g t h e Class A 2nd n i n e prize with 17 p t s . Hard luck story of t h e d a y c o n c e r n e d Miss J e a n S c o t t -- a n u p a n d coming young player--winning the Class B 2nd prize. S h e unfortuna tely w a s d i s q u a l i f i e d for n o t h a v i n g sufficient c a r d s r e t u r n e d , e n a b l i n g h e r to c o m p e t e for a prize. The p r i z e - w i n n e r s in their spee ches paid tribute to Mrs. S. O'Beirne's t r e m e n d o u s interest in t h e w e l f a r e of t h e l a d i e s a n d h e r w i l l i n g n e s s to t r a v e l with all t e a m s . P o u l t s : W i n n e r Mrs. B. H e n n e l l y (20) 35 p t s , R u n n e r - u p Mrs. C. Burke
In addition to the above : 1968 Ford Zephyr, 1968 Fiat 124, 1968 Riley Vestrel, 1967 Opel Rekord, 1968 M.G. 1100, 1968 Vauxhall 1600, 1967 V.W. 1200, 1967 Ford Cortina, 1968 Fiat 125, 1969 Mini 1000, 1965 Victor 101 Estate.
BOHS TROUNCED BY ROVERS Rovers 5 Bohemians 1 A very much out of touch Bohemians team were well and truly beaten by Rovers in the Western League on Sunday last. This was sweet revenge for Rov ers, as Bohs beat them in the Schwepps final a couple of weeks ago. Rovers were quickly into their stride and Christy McPhilbin shot them into the lead after ten minutes. Bohs came into the game after this goal but their best efforts were foiled by some bril liant saves from Rovers goal keeper, Pat O'Donnell, including a penalty save from Jimmy Sheils. Inspired by O'Donnell's goalkeeping, Rovers added three more goals before half time, Richie McDermott 2 and Brian Cassidy 1 and led four nil at the break. In the second half Bohs fought hard to come back into the game and reduced arrears when Tony Killeen scored, but Rovers came back again and Brian Cassidy put the final nail in Bohs coffin with another goal midway through the second half. G.A.A. FIXTURES The month of May will be a busy one for the Fr. Griffin senior team. Their fixture list includes games in the Senior West Board Championship, the County Lea gue, and a first round tie in the Senior County Championship. As well as that they intend travelling south to either Cork or Tralee, for a friendly during the June Bank Holiday weekend. Secretary Tony Geraghty is finalising plans for this trip. Following are the list of fixtures: Thursday, May 7th: Fr. Griffins v. St. Michaels at Pearse Sta dium. 7.30 p.m.--West Board Championship. Sunday, May 10th: Fr. Griffins v. Mountbellew at Pearse Sta dium. 7 p.m.--Senior County League. Thursday, May 14th: Fr. Griffins v. U.C.G. at Pearse Stadium. 7.30 p.m.--Senior League.